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Moja slika
Ime i prezime First name and surname BALEŠEVIĆ SRĐAN
Datum rođenja Date of birth 07. septembar 1988 07th of September 1988.
E-mail adresa E-mail address
Kratka biografija Short biography

Rođeni Dobojlija. U rodnom gradu završio osnovu, srednju elektro školu (posjeduje dvije diplome iz srednje) i Saobraćajni fakultet u Doboju - smjer Logistika Born and raised in Doboj. In his hometown, he completed primary school education, secondary electrical school education (from there he has two secondary school diplomas) and is a Member of Alumni organisation of Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering in Doboj.

Od svoje 10. godine (možda čak i ranije) pokazivao afinitete prema infomaciono-komunikacionim tehnologijama Since the age of 10 (maybe even earlier) he showed an affinities for information & communication technologies.

Od 2007. se amaterski bavi pravljenjem web-sajtova (prvo u Simple Machines Forum-u, pa u WordPress-u, da bi kasnije prešao na Joomla-u) Since 2007, he's been building websites as an amateur (first in Simple Machines Forum, then in WordPress, and later switched to Joomla).

U periodu avgust - oktobar 2014. učestvovao u takmičenju m:tel AppBuilder Liga, gdje je osvojio 3. mjesto u kategoriji "Edukacija i društvena odgovornost" In the time period from August to October 2014, he participated in the m:tel AppBuilder League competition, where he won 3rd place in the category "Education and social responsibility".

Od februara 2012. ponosni ujak jednom preslatkom djevojčurku Proud uncle to an adorable girl since the February of 2012.