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Dobrodošli na sajt Welcome to the website

Na ovom sajt možete saznati mnogo dodatnih informacija o meni A lot of additional information can be found about me on this website

Koliko dobro me poznajete?How well do you know me?

1❩ Moj omiljeni grad?My favourite town?
2❩ Koliko posjedujem diploma iz srednje škole?How many diplomas do I have from secondary school?
3❩ Koji od tri ponuđena laptopa mogu izabrati?Which of the three offered laptops should I choose?
4❩ Koje mjesto sam osvojio u takmičenju m:tel AppBuilder Lige za 2014. godinu u kategoriji "Edukacija i društvena odgovornost"?What place did I win in the 2014 m:tel AppBuilder League competition in the "Education and Social Responsibility" category?
5❩ Koje godine je objavljen moj omiljeni film?What year was my favorite movie released?
6❩ Koliko puta su me šili na hirurškom odjeljenju dobojske bolnice?How many times did I got stitched up by the surgeons in Doboj's Hospital surgical department?
7❩ Od kojeg pisca sam pročitao najveći broj književnih djela?By which writer have I read the most books?